Igniting Joy and Possibility

Discover insights, strategies, and inspiration to help you navigate midlife transitions with clarity, energy, and purpose. Whether you’re looking to rediscover what brings you joy, align your life with your values, or embrace the possibilities of your next chapter, this blog is here to empower you with tools and teachings for a more fulfilled and exciting future.

Life Coach, Personal Coach, Clarity, Stuck Megan Adams Life Coach, Personal Coach, Clarity, Stuck Megan Adams

You Deserve To See The Leaves

When we don’t feel clear on something… It takes it’s toll. We feel lost, stuck, drained, or aimless… This happens often when we’re so busy “keeping up” that we lose sight of what’s important. We eventually find ourselves going through the motions instead of being intentional about honoring what’s most important to us.

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How Do I Feel Better?

Do you ever wake up and wonder “Is this it? Is this as good as it’s gonna get?”

I’ve spoken to several people over the last few weeks who have echoed this sentiment… They’ve met their goals. They have the partner, the kids, the house, the car… They go on vacations and have thriving social circles. It all looks amazing on paper.

But when they lay down in bed at night, they find themselves wondering “Is this all there is?”

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Maybe Not What You’d Expect…

No matter how stuck we feel in our life; no matter how unhealthy we’ve let our bodies get; no matter how unfulfilled our relationships may seem; and on and on - my belief is that we always have a choice as to how we will move forward.

When my life has felt out of my control. filled with uncertainty, and about as lonely as can be - it was always the moment that I realized I could choose something different that brought me to the next right step.

I will always always always remind you that you have a choice.

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Maybe It’s Time To Take A Break

Productivity is not about how many things can you get done and check off the list in a day. It's not about how fast you're getting the tasks done. It's not about proving how valuable you are to the world...

It's about moving you toward your purpose. Using your time so wisely that you protect your energy, your resources, and your priorities so that you can use them to create the life that you want.

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Start your journey

You deserve to be healthy, empowered, joy-filled, and excited about the possibilities life holds! Schedule your chat today!