Igniting Joy and Possibility
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone looking to empower themselves to reconnect to what ignites joy; increases energy; and defines and shapes a more fulfilled life as they look to the future, filled with a sense of possibility.
How to Survive the Holidays Without Burning Out!
We put a lot of pressure on ourselves these days to make our holidays “perfect.” With Pinterest, Instagram, Martha Stewart, and all the comparison we naturally do - it sometimes feels like we will never measure up. Or… We spend all our time and energy striving to out-do our own childhood; or neighbors; or family members… And it kind of sucks the magic and joy right out of the holiday, doesn’t it?
What Is Positive Communication? A Guide to Asking For What You Want/Need - and Getting It.
The goal of every overwhelmed woman is to manage her time and energy in a way that decreases stress and allows for more recharging, more rest, and more fulfillment in her days... But with many women, it can be hard to ask for help in order to make time in your day for the things - and people - that bring you joy.
Oftentimes, it comes down to not wanting to be a burden… or not wanting to seem selfish. Even the most successful women sometimes get caught in the loop of people-pleasing and find it hard to ask for what they need or want. And when others don’t know… our needs and wants just keep getting put on the back burner again and again.
3 New Time-Saving Tricks I’ve Been Trying (and One I’m Giving Up)
Over the last year, I've been feeling uninspired with time management tricks for finding more “balance” in my life, because no matter how hard I try for that perfect “balance” - nothing seems to do the trick.
As you can imagine, this has left very little room for creating routines, systems, and habits that feel exciting and new - and create more space in my days.
However, in trying to get my mojo back, I've discovered that I was making it way too complicated! Turns out - the simpler, the better.
If you're in a similar place and have been feeling more and more overwhelmed with daily life but not sure what to do about it, you’re going to love this post. I’m sharing three new time management tips that are simple, easy, and working for me!
How Can Coaching Improve My Work-Life Balance?
“According to a survey conducted by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), those who hire a coach can experience a wide range of positive effects in their lives. 80 percent of respondents said self-confidence improved, 73 percent said relationships improved, 72 percent had better communication skills, and 67 percent said they balanced work and life better.”
T-minus 19 Days…
Sometimes we can be so quick to move on, that we forget to look back and take stock of how we got to where we are. I use a process each year to reflect, remember, celebrate, and let go… Sometimes I take several days to visit this process, sometimes it’s an hour or so in a coffee shop… Wherever you are this year, I encourage you to take what time you can and give 2022 it’s due. Here’s the process that has served me well the last several years:
How to Survive the Holidays without Burning Out!
We put a lot of pressure on ourselves these days to make our holidays “perfect.” With Pinterest, Instagram, Martha Stewart, and all the comparison we naturally do - it sometimes feels like we will never measure up. Or… We spend all our time and energy striving to out-do our own childhood; or neighbors; or family members… And it kind of sucks the magic and joy right out of the holiday, doesn’t it?
Kick Resentment To The Curb!
What if there were ways to take care of yourself, tap into what brings you Joy, and still manage to care for those around you?
I’m not suggesting we can do it all… But I am suggesting we can do the things that are most important to us - and let go of some of the others without letting anyone down.
Setbacks Happen… The Trick Is Getting Back On Track.
There are days when life just kinda sucks - but there’s no reason to stay in that space. A fulfilled life, a joy-filled life, a connected life - you deserve this. Try these three simple steps to getting back on track - once you know how to do it, these strategies will work every time!
That’s Seems Impossible! (Or is it…?)
What if the dream is too big? What if, in reality, it’s impossible? What if I can’t actually make it happen?
What’s that quote? “What if I fall? Ah, but what if you FLY?”
Is there such a thing as “too big” of a dream? Isn’t that what dreaming is for? To aim for the stars?
No More Sitting On The Sidelines!
What about those remarkable parts of you that separate you from everyone else? That make you stronger, braver, more resilient? That make you more compassionate, more patient, more …. anything?! What do you have that makes you MORE?
Fall Is A Great Time For New Beginnings
If you feel like you're just bumbling along these days, taking life one day - or hour - at a time maybe it’s time to start fresh and create some new intentions toward living into a life you’ll love.
I AM Enough… But…
When we stop learning and growing, we become stagnant, bored, and lose motivation and momentum. Life becomes blah… Have you been there? I know I have.
How Do I Feel Better?
Do you ever wake up and wonder “Is this it? Is this as good as it’s gonna get?”
I’ve spoken to several people over the last few weeks who have echoed this sentiment… They’ve met their goals. They have the partner, the kids, the house, the car… They go on vacations and have thriving social circles. It all looks amazing on paper.
But when they lay down in bed at night, they find themselves wondering “Is this all there is?”
Moms Are Always Angry… Or Are We?
I read a Facebook post last week that started out “Can we talk about the fact that moms get overstimulated and it’s mistaken for anger?”
I don’t know if I’ve ever felt more seen than when I read that simple sentence. Seriously.
Start your journey
You deserve to be healthy, empowered, joy-filled, and excited about the possibilities life holds! Schedule your chat today!