How to Survive the Holidays Without Burning Out!

Thanksgiving is still a week a way… But the stores are filled with Holiday spirit! The race is on!

There is shopping to do, cards to write, recipes to plan, halls to deck, lights to untangle, surprises to figure out, Santa visits, family gatherings, Advent calendars…. and so many other things! And all of this on top of school, work, extracurriculars, social engagements, and the normal day-to-day to-do lists…

I’m exhausted just thinking about it!

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves these days to make our holidays “perfect.” With Pinterest, Instagram, Martha Stewart, and all the comparison we naturally do - it sometimes feels like we will never measure up. Or… We spend all our time and energy striving to out-do our own childhood; or neighbors; or family members… And it kind of sucks the magic and joy right out of the holiday, doesn’t it?

I will admit - I’m a Christmas Nerd of the 1st degree. The kids and I have been sneaking Christmas music in since Nov. 1st. We’re putting up our decorations this weekend (I know… BEFORE Thanksgiving!). I bake dozens upon dozens of cookies every year. I love daily Advent surprises or activities. I savor the magic of nights by the lit up tree, reading holiday books with the kids. And all of that is just the beginning…

I love Christmas.

But you know what I’ve learned? It’s possible to burn out trying to do it all. I haven’t even mentioned the get-togethers with friends; the neighborhood parties; the church programs; the travel; and the holiday events around town. (I think I’m about to break out in hives…. This introvert is already dreading all the social outings!)

A few years ago, as the kids argued over who got to unwrap the nightly Christmas Book - I lost it. I yelled. I threatened to cancel Christmas. I took the books away. I took down our Advent calendar. I. Was. Done.

I spent all my time and energy that year trying to create a perfect, magical Christmas - one that my kids would remember always. And guess what? I was so stressed and exhausted and overwhelmed with all I wanted to do that I LOST IT! Those warm, happy memories were overshadowed by a mom who was having no fun whatsoever. The kids’ memories were about to be of a crabby “Scrooge” mommy!

Something had to change.

I realized I wasn’t taking care of myself during this busy season the same way I do the rest of the year. I was letting my expectations - and everyone else’s - get in the way of determining my priorities and my Why; setting boundaries on my time and energy; and making space for downtime and self-care.

Last year, I simplified quite a bit. I said (gasp!) “No” to things that weren’t on my list pf priorities. I started celebrating the holidays earlier (with music and decorations) so the season was spaced out a bit more - sounds crazy, but it works! I found ways to create magic and joy without burning out and creating more stress for myself.

And this year? I’m excited to be heading into the season, knowing I have a strategy that will help me stay focused on what’s most important.

If you’d like to learn more about this strategy, I invite you to check out my “5 Ways to Survive the Holidays without Burning Out” eBook. This is my gift to you of the secrets that helped me find the Joy in the holidays again - and I hope these secrets will do the same for you!


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