Spring is Here! Time to Declutter Your Space, Time, and… Mind?

The snow is melting, and raining, and snowing, and melting again. I saw a robin in my tree this morning. I have tulips on my table. We’re grilling out this week… This can only mean one thing: Spring is here and I’m ready to declutter!

Ha! Do you get the itch? I do. I can’t wait to empty closets and cupboards, drawers and cubbies. I love the feeling of taking a carload of items to donate. It’s seriously one of my favorite things.

But besides getting rid of physical objects - I love to declutter my schedule, my calendar, my phone - even my mind. Sounds a little woo-woo doesn’t it? It’s actually not. I invite you to try it out!

Look at your schedule:

What is there that doesn’t NEED to be done? You know the things - what is taking up room that doesn’t actually support the life you want? I used to go to classes with my kids that I thought I “should” attend because so many other people did and it would be good for my kids. But guess what? The kids and I both hated it! So… We stopped. Is there something you could stop?

What is on the schedule that could be delegated to someone else? When I was seriously overwhelmed with life due to being a stay-at-home mom with two under two, my husband agreed to do the grocery shopping each week. What a gift! (And sometimes, he took the kids with! Double gift!) All it took was a conversation about how I felt and what I needed (need a little help with those conversations? Check out my post on how to ask for what you want/need - and get it!) - he was happy to choose a task that would help me out.

And yes, what do you need to just let go of? It’s hard. Looking at our schedule and asking what doesn’t matter as much as we once thought? I’ve been part of book groups, social groups, workout groups - that were all wonderful for a time… But life changes, circumstances change, relationships change… and sometimes it’s ok to let go of that activity. I still connect with the people and love them dearly - but I don’t need to commit to the time the activity takes anymore.

Lastly… Decluttering your mind. What the heck does that mean?!

Think of it this way: we all have those negative voices in our head, right? You know them - they tell us we’re not good enough, skinny enough, pretty enough, successful enough, etc, etc. They tell us we said the wrong thing, did the wrong thing, or made a stupid choice. They tell us the stories they want us to believe.

But that’s the thing - they’re simply stories. When we take the time to really look at what we believe, often we realize it’s not even true. (Coaches are great at helping you see this!)

So this week, when one of those voices pops into your head - write down what it says. And when you have a little time alone, take a look at it. Ask yourself where that story came from and why it seems so easy to believe. Then, make a list of all the reasons it’s wrong. (We loving proving others wrong - this is a chance to prove your negative self-talk wrong!)

When we declutter our mind and begin to clear away our negative way of thinking about ourselves - we open ourselves to so much possibility! And seriously, is there a better time for being open to possibility than spring?!

If you’re interested in how a coach can help you declutter your space, time, and mind - schedule a free chat with me and I’ll help you identify where there is clutter in your life, and the #1 thing you can do to clear some clutter and free up time and energy in your life today!

Happy Spring, my friends!


How to Survive the Holidays Without Burning Out!


What Is Positive Communication? A Guide to Asking For What You Want/Need - and Getting It.