Igniting Joy and Possibility

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone looking to empower themselves to reconnect to what ignites joy; increases energy; and defines and shapes a more fulfilled life as they look to the future, filled with a sense of possibility.

Spring is Here! Time to Declutter Your Space, Time, and… Mind?

Do you get the itch for spring cleaning and decluttering? I do. I can’t wait to empty closets and cupboards, drawers and cubbies. I love the feeling of taking a carload of items to donate. It’s seriously one of my favorite things.

But besides getting rid of physical objects - I love to declutter my schedule, my calendar, my phone - even my mind. Sounds a little woo-woo doesn’t it? It’s actually not. IT’s a sure-fire way to ditch overwhelm and burnout.. and increase our energy as the world comes alive once again. I invite you to try it out!

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Kick Resentment To The Curb!

What if there were ways to take care of yourself, tap into what brings you Joy, and still manage to care for those around you?

I’m not suggesting we can do it all… But I am suggesting we can do the things that are most important to us - and let go of some of the others without letting anyone down.

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Maybe Not What You’d Expect…

No matter how stuck we feel in our life; no matter how unhealthy we’ve let our bodies get; no matter how unfulfilled our relationships may seem; and on and on - my belief is that we always have a choice as to how we will move forward.

When my life has felt out of my control. filled with uncertainty, and about as lonely as can be - it was always the moment that I realized I could choose something different that brought me to the next right step.

I will always always always remind you that you have a choice.

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Start your journey

You deserve to be healthy, empowered, joy-filled, and excited about the possibilities life holds! Schedule your chat today!