Igniting Joy and Possibility

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone looking to empower themselves to reconnect to what ignites joy; increases energy; and defines and shapes a more fulfilled life as they look to the future, filled with a sense of possibility.

The Perfect Way to Avoid Burnout for Over-Scheduled Women

What is Burnout?  Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion that results from chronic stress and overwork (or overscheduling). It's often characterized by feelings of exhaustion, cynicism, and a sense of detachment from one's work, responsibilities, and even the things that bring us joy. Burnout can occur in any area of life, such as work, relationships, or personal life, and can have a significant impact on a person's overall well-being.

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Setbacks Happen… The Trick Is Getting Back On Track.

There are days when life just kinda sucks - but there’s no reason to stay in that space. A fulfilled life, a joy-filled life, a connected life - you deserve this. Try these three simple steps to getting back on track - once you know how to do it, these strategies will work every time!

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