Setbacks Happen… The Trick Is Getting Back On Track.

I fell off the wagon. I’m behind at work. Mornings with the kids feel like a dumpster fire. I snapped at my spouse. I haven’t taken a minute to myself in over a week. I ate half a bag of candy corn while binging Netflix. I forgot to pay the utility bill. …Life is one big headache right now!

Ever feel this way?

Then you see a Life Coach posting things like “Just make a gratitude list and everything will be ok!” Or “Each minute is a new beginning - chin up and try again!” (Can you hear my fake cheer and sense my cheesy smile?)

When I was at my lowest point, these types of posts would make me unfollow someone in an instant. Clearly, they didn’t get it.

There are days we’re rocking life and everything feels in sync, everything is in a state of flow, we’re connected… and dare I say, “Happy?”

But there are also days when life gets the better of us. Days, when no matter how hard we try, we can’t find the silver lining. Weeks, even. I’ve been there. I know. Weeks when I just want to throw in the towel and give up. Weeks when I feel that clearly, I am unable to create a life that is sustainable and exactly what I want.

But that’s reality, isn’t it? Everyone has bad days and weeks. Everyone. Even Health and Life Coaches. Even JOY Coaches.

The trick is noticing it; feeling it; and making one small change to start getting back on track.

The other day I got my family out the door in the morning, sat down to my desk - and wanted to scream. I felt stuck in a fog and had no motivation whatsoever. (For those that know me - this is not normal.) I called a friend and talked through my actions (or inaction) and how I was feeling. Should I have been working? Maybe. But when I’m in that stuck-state, I’m not productive. It’s important to take a moment to notice and clear that mental clutter before moving on. So, I took time to notice what I was feeling and what areas felt stuck.

Then, I took some time to stretch, do yoga, and drink my coffee - and allowed myself to feel all the feels. I realized there’s been a lot thrown my way these last few weeks - frustrations, griefs, anger, and at times, moments when I feel like all my hard work is for naught. That feeling of spinning my wheels was the final straw. My energy, creativity, and momentum was sapped. I needed to allow myself to sit with those feelings - and realize that every one of them was 100% valid. (To learn more about why this is important, I highly recommend reading “Burnout” by the Nagoski sisters!)

It took a couple of days, but once those feelings started to lift… Once I started to feel a little relief… It was time to put an action step into place. One small change to help me begin to get back on track. I implemented two times during the day for just me. First: morning coffee after the kids go to school - simply sit, breathe, listen to a podcast, read - anything but work or chores. (And the coffee has to still be warm.) Second: a 30-minute break between work and that moment when the kids get off the bus. I know my introverted self needs a recharge before the chaos of the afternoons if I want to be present with the family in the later part of the day - so this is now on my schedule. Small changes… that eventually snowball into others.

There are days when life just kinda sucks - but there’s no reason to stay in that space. A fulfilled life, a joy-filled life, a connected life - you deserve this. Try these three simple steps to getting back on track - once you know how to do it, these strategies will work every time! And if getting back on track feels too difficult to do alone, schedule a 45-minute Breakthrough Session and let’s make a plan for you to get your mojo back today!

(Obviously if you are diagnosed with mental health challenges, that is a different conversation… Please, work with a mental health provider to determine your best plan of action.)

I’m cheering for you today, my friends!


Kick Resentment To The Curb!


Oops… I Did It Again.