You’re Not Stuck

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Do you ever have those days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed? You hit snooze as many times as you can… til the very last second? The day seems overwhelming before it’s even started? Ugh…

You feel stuck.

There’s a list of responsibilities and obligations a mile long staring you in the face before your feet even swing over the side of the bed… A pile of “shoulds” and “have tos.” Life feels like it’s happening to you. And it’s not something you’re excited about…

’The old saying, “You Snooze, You Lose” may have a deeper meaning than any of us realized. When you delay waking up until you have to—meaning you wait until the last possible moment to get out of bed and start your day—consider that what you’re actually doing is resisting your life. Every time you hit the snooze button, you’re in a state of resistance to your day, to your life, and to waking up and creating the life you say you want.’’

― Hal Elrod, The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life: Before 8AM

Oof! I read this quote 2 years ago… and it has stuck with me every since. Every single time I hit snooze or am tempted to hit snooze - I remember these words. What am I resisting about my life today?

And how can I choose differently?

If there’s one thing I’ve embraced over the last few years, it’s that I always have a choice. I have a choice about how I think about things. I have a choice about how I feel about things. And yes, I have a choice about what actions I choose to take.

That list of obligations and responsibilities? What ACTUALLY needs to happen? And what can I let go of or delegate?

Those “shoulds” and “have tos?” Who says? Am I committing to things I don’t actually value in order to go along with the “norm?” If it’s not a “get to,” maybe it’s not all that important.

Life isn’t always fun and exciting. It’s not always Christmas morning jump-out-of-bed with amazement and curiosity.

But it is a blank slate, every morning. It is a choice.

I choose to snuggle with the kids first thing.

I choose to sit at the table and eat a reasonably healthy breakfast and drink my water.

I choose to pay bills for the life they afford me.

I choose to take the dog for a walk and enjoy my neighborhood and his company.

I choose to have hard discussions that lead to deeper relationships.

I choose to keep learning and keep growing, trying and failing, and trying again.

I choose to to show up again and again and again… To keep creating the life I want.

I am not stuck. There is always a choice.

Whatever it is that’s taunting you with that snooze button this week, take a moment and brainstorm ways to choose differently. Brainstorm the practical solutions, the plausible ideas… Then keep going. Get crazy, imaginative, silly… Unpractical. Let’s the ideas take on a life of their own!

It’s usually in the act of getting silly, that a new idea we never would have come up with suddenly breaks through…

Choose something new. Different. Something that makes you feel alive, instead of resisting the day.

That snooze button never had a chance against you - Life is happening FOR you… And it’s yours for the taking!


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