When Did JOY Become Taboo?

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If you follow me on social media, you may have seen a post I did a couple of weeks ago about someone accusing me of being “too happy.” Really?! Is that a thing?

I’ve also noticed lately that people seem to think “busy,” “overwhelmed,” and “exhausted” are badges of honor these days… Really?

Another acquaintance recently shared that they were realizing the choices they had made earlier in life had brought them to this point - of being stuck - and they were just going to have to learn to live with it. “This is what life is….” Really?

When did we, as a society, decide that a “ho-hum” life was all we deserved?

What happened to JOY?

When I tell people that I am a Joy Coach, the responses are often what you would expect: surprise, skepticism, raised eyebrows, a wink and then “no, really, what do you do?”

I smile and laugh. I know the secret: Joy is real. Life can be a thing of beauty, connection, excitement, and gratitude. We don’t have to live in a constant state of cynicism, fear, anger, frustration, overwhelm, exhaustion, and “stuck.” We can choose otherwise.

But we have to believe in Joy. And we have to believe a life of Joy is possible. That’s where it starts.

So, I’ve decided over the next 12 weeks to give away some of my favorite tips and tricks enabling a life of Joy - If you’re interested, think of this as a challenge. As each tip is introduced, experiment with it for 1 week. See how you can live into it, try it on… and see what it does for you… You might be surprised!

And if, as you experiment with these ideas, you decide you’d like someone to guide you to a life of more Joy - I’d love to connect. Sometimes, even though we know the How… We still need the support and accountability to put it into action!

So whatdya say?! Let’s bring JOY back into this broken world - one person at a time!


Today’s the Day!


You’re Not Stuck