Dreams, Goals, Wishes, Oh My!


A goal without a plan is just a wish. A dream without a goal is just a dream. A goal without a deadline is wishful thinking.

How many times do we daydream about our ideal life? The perfect home, perfect career, perfect quality family time, perfect social life, perfect day, etc etc etc? And yet… It stays a daydream because we do nothing about it?

My life is what it is. There’s nothing I can do. It’s not in my control. I HAVE to do everything for everyone else.


What would happen if you offered yourself a little grace and a little space?

What would happen if you decided to get really clear on what you want in your life - no matter how big, small, or different - and decided to make at least one part of it a goal, instead of a daydream?

What would happen if you gave yourself a deadline? Decided on what steps would get you there? Found an accountability partner or someone to support you along the way? What would happen if you decided that you had a choice - and life isn’t happening TO you, but FOR you?

Sometimes… It’s ok to want more, less, different, or simpler. It’s ok to want a life that nurtures you and your needs. It’s ok to be ok.

I encourage you this week to daydream a little - really envision what you want most for your life. What is your ideal home life? Your most inspiring career? Your optimal health? Your best life?

When you have that dream - envision every part of it. Use your senses - what does it look like, smell like, sound like, feel like? What do you know to be true when you’ve attained this dream? Why is it important to you? How would it affect those around you? What’s important about that?

Now, turn that dream into a goal. Take one part of it - and plan the steps to get there.

You deserve the life that you want. You get to choose Energy. Joy. Positivity. Hope. Love.

You just need to decide to go after it.


The Space Between


Cultivate Gratitude