Getting “Clear” With A Word

Do you have a word for your year? Do you pick a word to move towards, step into, or motivate you to make the changes you seek in your life?

I’ve been picking a word for about 5 years now… Each year, my word focuses my choices and allows me to challenge myself toward being the person I want to show up as in the world. This year? My word is “Empowered.”

I’ve noticed with everything going on in the world, I’ve managed to step back and wait…. Wait to see what unfurls. Wait to see who fixes it. Wait to make an effort when it feels like it will actually matter.

But that doesn’t leave me feeling very empowered. In fact, I feel like I’ve lost control over my life - and it’s happening “to” me, not “for” me. That’s a suck-y feeling, if I do say so myself.

The interesting part? I’m clearly not the only one feeling it. So many conversations with people lately result in the same feelings of uncertainty and fatigue…

Which may be why I chose the word “empowered” this year. I’m tired of feeling tired. By choosing this word, I’m challenging myself to get really “clear” about what it will take to move forward with determination, excitement, and joy. So I thought I would share with you how I allow my word to shape some of my choices each week.

Sunday: Take a look at the calendar for the week. This is a window into how I use my time and energy. Are the things on my calendar representative of the top priorities in my life? If not, guess what? I am empowered to take them off the calendar. Wait what?! I can delegate. I can cancel. I can put things off to a better time. It’s my time and energy - I get to decide.

Monday: The start of the week. The first day everyone is out of the house except me. I am empowered to use my time as I see fit. Yesterday, I needed a few hours to myself. Phone off. Meetings postponed. Office left dark. I needed a little mental health time - and I took it.

Tuesday: I decided it’s time to start empowering myself in my health. It’s been on hold for too long. So, I made an appointment with a nutritionist and talked over options that would help me to start feeling better, sleeping better, and thinking more clearly. I now have tips and tools to start implementing to hopefully boost my mood and energy very soon!

Wednesday: Taking back my career! Over the holidays, and after my surgery, my career motivation took a gigantic hit. Time to get my mojo back! I’m enrolled in an amazing business class and am empowering myself through education, coaching, and implementing new strategies. I’m motivating myself this week by setting goals that are completely doable AND will produce results.

Thursday: I am someone who thrives on routine and order. I’ve been called a neat freak - and I’m ok with that. For me to feel empowered, I need systems that allow me to get things done. This especially applies to housework. I’ve made a schedule to do one housecleaning area a day. Thursdays are cleaning the first floor and working on the kids’ laundry throughout the day (a perk of working at home). Not a huge deal - but it allows me to feel empowered in caring for my home and getting things done.

Friday: Connections. Fridays are my day for accountability meetings, brainstorming, and connecting with people who know my goals, support me, and challenge me. They help me to set goals for next week, address what didn’t work this week, and dream big for the future. They motivate me to be the person I want to be.

Saturday: No plans. Empowering myself to take a break. Spend time with the family. Sleep in. Play games. Maybe go on a date with my husband. When the chores are done, everyone is healthy and happy, and work is shut down, I’m empowered to live a little spontaneously.

Of course, within each day there are loads of places to be reminded to be empowered… But this is an example of how one word can shape how you plan your days, your hours, your needs, and your wants.

That one word gives me Clarity towards living into my best life; living into the person I want to be. Clarity allows me to take back control over shaping how I use my time and energy.

So, if you haven’t picked a word yet… I highly recommend it. It’s a beautiful thing!


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