You Deserve To See The Leaves

My son got glasses today - and is in awe at being able to see the individual leaves in the trees so clearly! (I believe his exact words were “Huh, Mom - the trees don’t look like blobs any more!”)

I had a chance to go up north last weekend and sit out under the stars on a perfectly clear night and see dozens of shooting stars dance across the sky - more than I had seen in years!

I had a client notice some things about her daily life that were getting in the way of her dreams coming true - and she called to tell me how “clear” she felt for the first time in YEARS!

It’s amazing what Clarity can open up in our lives, isn’t it?! And when we don’t feel clear on something… It takes it’s toll. We feel lost, stuck, drained, or aimless… This happens often when we’re so busy “keeping up” that we lose sight of what’s important. We eventually find ourselves going through the motions instead of being intentional about honoring what’s most important to us.

So here’s the trick -

  1. Get really Clear on what’s most important to you. Write down 3 top priorities - and determine if you’re really spending your time and energy putting those things first.

  2. If you’re not Clear - here’s what you do…. Look at your past. When you’ve been REALLY clear, absolutely certain - and confident - about a decision, what qualities or strategies helped you get there? Use those same things now. Research? Talking it out with a trusted friend? Trusting your gut? Trial and error? Long-term planning, step by step? This is just to name a few… Whatever your qualities and strategies - use them again!

  3. Once you are Clear on those top 3 priorities, decide on one (small) thing you’re going to do differently this week to honor them with your time and energy.

  4. Extra Credit: Write down 3 words that exemplify who you want to be when you’re at your best, when you truly are honoring those priorities. Then, remind yourself of those 3 words often, each day - they will keep you focused on where you’re going!

Life is too short to muddle through, feeling blah and uninspired. You deserve a life that makes you want to get out of bed each morning!

If getting Clear on your own feels like a stretch… and you’re not sure how to do it, be sure to sign up for my weekly e-newsletter for upcoming events! There is a Life Vision Workshop coming up in September that will help you see your life - and dreams - much clearer! It’s as amazing as seeing the leaves in the trees and dozens of shooting stars - and who knows what other magic may arise?


I AM Enough… But…


It’s Time To Shake Things Up!