The affirmation I drew from my deck of cards this week, read “Every day, I am becoming more and more of who I want to be.”

Wanna know my first reaction? Enough. I’m enough. I don’t want to be “more.” I’m good. That just sounds like more work! (And I thought about switching cards….)

But part of what I like about these cards is that they make me think. I kept the card and just let my thoughts simmer for a day before doing anything with it… And guess what? I decided it was probably a good message after all… and one worth diving into.

I absolutely am enough as is. I’ve worked really hard to get to this point and life is good - and there is room for growth. I’m good.

But…. The card ends with “who I want to be.” “Every day, I am becoming more and more of who I want to be.”

When we stop learning and growing, we become stagnant, bored, and lose motivation and momentum. Life becomes blah… Have you been there? I know I have.

That’s why I’m continuously setting goals or intentions for how I want to show up in my life. I don’t always use “SMART goals” or concrete formulas of “I will do… by this date… and success will look like…” (Yes, occasionally those are important - absolutely! But what works for me is different.)

I prefer to challenge myself with “how do I want to show up in the world?” When I’m my best self, living my best life - what would that look and feel like? These are the intentions I set. (And want to know something crazy?! Even by setting these less-concrete goals - for the past three years, I’ve been meeting the more concrete goals! Things just fall into place when you’re showing up in the way you want to.)

And then I develop small baby steps to work towards them.

So, yes… Every day I AM becoming more and more of who I want to be - because I have intentions before me.

Curious how creating those intentions works? I’ll be leading a Life Vision Workshop via Zoom on Saturday, September 17th at 9am CST to do exactly this! To be sure you’re on the email list for more details, simply sign-up for my weekly newsletter - and you’ll be the first to know about upcoming events!

Here’s to a joy-filled life of always becoming more of who you want to be!


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