Ignite Joy Life-Coaching

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Maybe Not What You’d Expect…

For those who have followed me for awhile, or even if you’ve only read a few of my posts and newsletters, one thing you may have picked up is that one of my core values is that we all have a choice. No matter how stuck we feel in our life; no matter how unhealthy we’ve let our bodies get; no matter how unfulfilled our relationships may seem; and on and on - my belief is that we always have a choice as to how we will move forward.

When my life has felt out of my control. filled with uncertainty, and about as lonely as can be - it was always the moment that I realized I could choose something different that brought me to the next right step.

I will always always always remind you that you have a choice.

Which leads me to a comment you may not expect from me. You see, I don’t get political very often on my business pages. It’s not because I don’t have strong feelings one way or another. It’s not because I ignore the issues in our world today. It’s simply a matter of wanting to get to know people as a person first - your joys, your challenges, and your dreams. Our society makes it really hard these days to separate our political leanings from the person - and we can miss out on beautiful connections because of this.

But my mission by being a Health and Life Coach is to empower women to take control of their life in all areas so that they can live a life energized by joy and possibility.

And sometimes, that means standing up for Choice.

I was devastated this past week at the overturning of Roe Vs Wade. I think people assume this is just about elective abortions, but the truth is almost half of all abortions are medically indicated. Life-saving for the mother, in fact. I am one of those statistics. While I don’t think it should be necessary to tell our intensely personal stories, I will share this one: My first “abortion” was due to a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. The embryo was growing in my fallopian tube and had eventually reached a size that burst my tube. The night it happened, I thought I had food poisoning and agonized through the night, throwing up and writhing with stomach pain. When I finally fainted, that’s when I went to the ER. In one rushed conversation, I found out 1)I was pregnant. 2)I wasn’t anymore. 3)If they didn’t do surgery and allow blood transfusions, I was going to die (throughout the rupture and surgery, I lost 2/3 of my blood volume to internal bleeding). I’ve already read about hospitals afraid of doing these life-saving surgeries in the last week - because they’re afraid it’s considering breaking the law.

My second “abortion” was also an ectopic pregnancy. This one I had taken a pregnancy test and was excited to go to my first ultrasound to see this little nugget growing inside me! But alas, when I got to the ultrasound, there was nothing in my uterus. After several tests, it was found to be another ectopic - and was a non-viable pregnancy. I was whisked off to the hospital to medically terminate this pregnancy before I experienced another rupture. I was shocked when the doctor at the hospital asked if I wanted to try to save the embryo…. And when I asked questions, he replied he has to ask… but that no, it would not make it. It was, indeed, non-viable. In some states, ending an ectopic pregnancy before rupture is considered an abortion - and is illegal. Even though the pregnancy is non-viable and allowing it to rupture could risk the mother’s life.

I could go on with stories about people I love having medically necessary abortions and making the choice to end pregnancies for their own reasons - but these are not my stories to share.

I can’t imagine being forced to wait for my second ectopic to rupture. I can’t imagine having to carry a stillborn or non-viable baby to full-term. There are so many more situations that I simply can’t imagine… That make me sick to my stomach to think about.

My body is mine. I will make choices for me. I will encourage those I love to make their own choices. My daughter will be supported and know that she always has a choice. No matter what.

Life is sacred to me - make no doubt about that. But the mother’s life is sacred, too.

I live in Minnesota - a place where you will be safe if this is a choice you need to make. Please reach out if you need resources or have questions.

I will always stand on the side of choice - for a woman to feel empowered in her own life and health. If you’re a woman needing support in making your own choices, I’m here. I see you. I hear you. I’m fighting for you.

And I understand for some of you, this will be a reason to stop following me… If that’s your choice, know that I understand and send my love as you go.

But for those of us who believe in choice - this is a moment to speak up. To get involved. It will be hard and it will separate us from some others… But if we don’t… Where will we end up?

Sending you love, today, my friends.