Ignite Joy Life-Coaching

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How To Ditch The Overwhelm And Create Space for Joy

This week I managed to sneak away for a few days… My annual “Mama Solo Retreat” after school begins. A time for me to get outside, breathe the fresh air, read, hike, rest… and reset. This has become such an important part of my fall routine - giving myself the space to check-in and set intentions for my own peace and joy in the midst of a busy life.

And once I came back? Oh yeah - back to packing lunches, getting kids on the bus, after school activities, spelling lists, grocery shopping, and oh yeah - running a business. Back to the to-do lists and obligations that fill each day.

And yet… When my intentions are set and I know what brings me joy - the other stuff falls into place. Routines become established that honor my time and energy, while still caring for all around me. Does everything get done perfectly? Nope. And that’s ok. Life is too short for “perfect” - instead, I’m aiming for “real” and “present.”

When I talk to other moms in my Coaching practice, I always hear some version of “there’s no time for me” or “if I take time for me, my family suffers.” My question is always… “What if…?”

What if… your happiness and fulfillment was part of the equation, too?

What if… it was possible to meet their needs and yours?

What if… there was a way to put habits into place, easily, that could make life easier for your family and you?

What if… and this is a big one… What if your happiness added to theirs?

We always hear the quote: “You can’t fill from an empty pitcher.” And it’s so true. You are so important to those you love - your partner, your kids, your parents, your friends, your co-workers, your neighbors… But if you’re always exhausted, overwhelmed, and burnt out - what are you really able to offer them?

You deserve better.

Your loved ones deserve better.

And you can do this.

If you’d like some of my best tips and tricks to start managing your time and energy in a way that honors you and your family, click here to download my “5 Secrets Every Mom Needs To Know To Ditch Overwhelm.” As a new school year begins, it’s the perfect time to get a jumpstart on some helpful habits!

I’m cheering for you!